Thursday 6 July 2017

How Artificial Intelligence Affects HR

Artificial intelligence – or AI – is a force to be reckoned with, allowing machines to do complex, almost-human processes in only a fraction of the time. While it may seem a little scary, there are actually some good things to come out of this great emerging tech. And for HR, it means a lot of benefits and advantages.

AI can collect data more efficiently

HR (human resources) is one of the departments that understands the importance of data collection. With AI on board, this means quicker and more convenient ways of gathering data from multiple sources, being able to group employees and HR-related problems, and even training people to maximize what they can do with data.

Now, HR departments can devote their time to more issues and tasks while AI quickly handles and completes jobs that once took days to finish.

Artificial intelligence is changing the way people work. With data being important to growing companies in the Philippines, AI will prove to be a crucial player in the workplace — with HR leading the way.

See this article about Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work here.

AI can assist in the hiring process

Companies now are using AI to help them conduct background checks and character assessments about potential hires. Latest technology allows computers to scan social media, portfolios, and even news articles or blogs about candidates to tell HR whether or not this person is a good fit for the company.

Paired with humans having the last say about who gets hired, AI plays an important role of speeding up the assessment process.

Here in the Philippines, AI in HR recruitment isn’t at its full potential yet. But as more and more HR software companies in the Philippines mature, there will be more products that will hit the market which can significantly improve the overall HR process and experience across recruitment, data management, timekeeping, and payroll.

AI can match skills related to specific jobs

Some companies are using AI to check whether candidates possess certain skills for a particular job.

This is especially good news for HR because it would mean having objective assistance from technology that is specifically programmed to pick up, say, how well a person engages in conversation or how well someone writes.

AI can help current employees from anywhere

You might have heard of e-commerce sites making use of chatbots that can communicate with customers directly and instantly. What you might not know is that HR departments can get chatbots on board too.

More than simply replying to potential hires’ questions online, AI allows chatbots to help even current employees, especially remote ones, without them having to directly meet with the nearest HR department.


With all that AI has to offer, it would be a shame if HR didn’t try to make use of this amazing new tech. AI isn’t just the future; AI is the now.

So how will your company integrate the fascinating features of AI to your HR? 

If you have an expert opinion regarding the topic that you want to share, send an email to and we’d love to feature you in our blog.


The post How Artificial Intelligence Affects HR appeared first on Sprout.


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